That’s why in 2022, we recommend using a disk space analyzer on your Mac as the information provided by macOS isn’t very useful anymore especially when it comes to System files or those labelled mysteriously as “Other”. Since macOS High Sierra, Apple changed the way that Macs manage data on Macs so that it’s harder to see which files are hogging hard drive space especially on Mojave and Catalina. The Best External Hard Drives For Mac Users.The problem is that the latest versions of macOS such as Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur and Monterey don’t make it very easy to see exactly which files are causing the problem. You should always have at least 10% of free hard drive space on your Mac in order for macOS to run smoothly otherwise you will notice performance problems, app instability, crashes and see warnings like “to make more space available on your startup disk, delete some files”. If you’re suffering from a slow Mac or you’re constantly seeing warnings that “Your startup disk is almost full”, the tools here will solve the problem in just a few clicks. Fear not though as here we show you how to check the storage space on your Mac and recover lost disk space. If you need to check how much storage space is left on your Mac, it’s not as easy as it used to be on macOS.